CABank English SCoSE Corpus (Saarbrücken Corpus of Spoken English)

Neal Norrick
Department of English Philology
Saarland University

Participants: 17
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: United States
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5DC77

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Project Description


Participants: Helen and her daughters: Annie, in her early thirties; Lynne, grad-student home from college; Jennifer, under-grad younger sister arrives later; their niece/cousin Jean also in her early thirties. They are gathered before a late-afternoon Thanksgiving dinner in the living room of the house where Helen and Annie and live. Both go into the adjacent kitchen from time to time.


Three under-grads sharing an apartment. One voice often louder than others; Frequent comments on recorder and recording process; Maybe cut A3 after first six minutes and edit other files, as you see fit


Grad student George has invited three undergrads to talk about experiences they‚ve had which could provide the basis for writing assignments


Pre-thanksgiving dinner with grandparents, mother, father, younger sister.


Franklin Chen reformatted this corpus into accord with current versions of CHAT.