CABank English GCSAusE Corpus

Michael Haugh
School of Languages and Cultures
The University of Queensland

Participants: 40
Type of Study: CA
Location: Australia
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/T53W33

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Citation information

Haugh, Michael and Wei-Lin Melody Chang (2013). Collaborative creation of spoken language corpora. In Tim Greer, Yuriko Kite and Donna Tatsuki (eds.),Pragmatics and Language Learning. Volume 13 (pp.133-159), National Foreign Language Resource Center, University of Hawai’i, Honolulu

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Project Description

The Griffith Corpus of Spoken Australian English (GCSAusE) comprises a collection of forty audio recordings and transcriptions of spoken interaction amongst Australian speakers of English, as well as users of English in Australia more generally, collected by staff and students at Griffith University. The recordings are transcribed using conversation analysis transcription conventions.